Hinduism, one of the world’s oldest and most diverse religions, encompasses a wide array of beliefs, practices, and philosophies. While it doesn’t have a centralized governing authority or a single set of universally mandated rules, there are several key principles and guidelines that followers often adhere to. It’s important to note that Hinduism is incredibly diverse, and practices can vary greatly based on cultural, regional, and individual factors. Here are the universal 4 Pillars of Hinduism that guide an individual on the path of righteousness & virtue:

Dharma: Dharma, often described as righteousness or duty, is a central concept in Hinduism. It emphasizes the idea that individuals should act by their roles and responsibilities in life. Following the path of dharma helps maintain harmony in society and the universe.

Karma: The law of karma suggests that every action has consequences, either in this life or the next. Good actions lead to positive outcomes, while negative actions result in suffering. Hinduism teaches its followers to strive to accumulate good karma through ethical behavior, selfless actions, and spiritual practices.

Bhakti: The selfless act of devotion acts as a beacon of spiritual & physical unity of the mind & body. Hinduism radiates the message of oneness with the supreme power & helps individuals connect with their inner selves.

Moksha: Moksha signifies liberation from the cycle of birth and death (samsara). Achieving moksha is the ultimate goal in Hinduism. This is pursued through various paths, including devotion (bhakti), knowledge (jnana), and disciplined action (karma).

Thus, Karma teaches an individual to cultivate mindful actions and take responsibility for their choices. Understanding the principles of Dharma provides a guide to individuals to live in harmony with the cosmic order. The path of devotion (Bhakti) connects them with their inner self & with the supreme almighty in this mortal state. Finally, the pursuit of Moksha encourages individuals to seek spiritual enlightenment and liberation from the cycle of rebirth.

Through these teachings, Hinduism provides a framework for individuals to lead purposeful, ethical lives and embark on a transformative spiritual journey toward liberation and eternal bliss.